Working Transmitter
After a bit of fiddling, the transmitter works. I have not tested it for range, other than making sure it works across the length of the house. At the moment it only has the standard NRF24L01 module. Although the high-power module has turned up, the antenna for it is still in transit.
As there is still no Quad copter to control, most of the testing has been done by watching numbers scroll up the screen from reading the serial output from the receiver. As this was getting painful, a simple processing script was written to display the control positions on the screen.
Almost as soon as I started this, I wondered if it would be possible to get the processing script to pass the stick controls onto a flight simulator. A quick look at FlightGear turned into a quick flight around L.A. That is a project for another day.
Flight Control Board
A flight control board has been ordered. I decided on the AfroMini32. This has the usual accelerometers, gyroscopes and a barometer. It also uses a 32 bit micro controller so should be a capable piece of kit. Hopefully it will all come together by the summer.